Recycling is the first step towards a green India
Over the years, industrial growth across the world has negatively impacted our environment. The prevalent environmental issues including acid rain, global warming, and ozone layer depletion are major issues faced by countries worldwide. Nations are joining hands for a reasonable e-waste solution for protecting the environment and embracing sustainability for a better future. The government is also promoting projects aimed at restoring the environment.
E-waste solution is an effective way to reduce our carbon footprint. Maintaining ecological balance and saving natural resources can help us in the long term. Reducing disruption and damage to the environment should be our primary goal. Depletion of natural resources has jeopardized our natural habitats. Restoration projects and individual efforts can help us control disasters in the future. So, we as individuals should take immediate actions to protect the planet.
Sustainability: The Three R’s Framework
The three R’s denote Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Waste hierarchy plays an important role in managing and offering viable e-waste solutions. The necessary actions to control pollution and reduce waste are as follows:
By reducing our waste, we can contribute to the environment. Cutting down on materials can help us promote sustainability and protect our natural resources. To satisfy our selfish needs, millions of trees have to go down every year. So, it’s high time we individually take steps and protect our vulnerable ecosystems. Reducing waste at the source is the best way to start off.
Instead of getting rid of dated computer equipment, circuit boards, and stereos, we can reuse them. Re-evaluate whether you need an extra gadget or not? Get an all-in-one device. Sell or donate electronics you don’t use anymore. Maintain your electronics well for extended life. Be thoughtful while buying another device. If the electronic is not in a working condition, dispose of it properly.
We are running out of natural resources. If we overuse resources, it can create an imbalance in the environment. So, utilizing materials that already exist and conserving non-renewable resources can benefit us. We can recycle tons of things including batteries, circuit boards, cables, hard drives, and the list goes on. There are many brands that have started their own e-waste management programs. We can also reach out to them.
Diving deep into the Recycling Process
Step 1: Collecting and Processing
The first step toward an e-waste solution is collecting the materials. After that, the materials are sent to the recovery facilities. There, the materials are sorted, washed, and further processed. In the resizing step, shredding or granulating is done to the waste materials. The objective is to remove the impurities in the materials. The final step includes testing, which determines the recyclability of the material.
Step 2: Manufacturing
The second step is manufacturing. Once testing is done, products can be made from recycled materials. Manufacturing with recycled materials ensures that no raw materials are being used. It saves energy and reduces greenhouse gas emissions. The current recycling rate is at 13% globally. Efficient recycling technologies have been developed, and many countries mandate recycling policies.
Step 3: Purchasing New Products Made from Recycled Materials
Companies are using recyclables to make earth-friendly products. Nowadays, consumers seek recycled content in laptops, refrigerators, and TV and some are even willing to pay higher. It’s important we comply with the recent recycling technologies and improve our lifestyle.
Why Recycling is Important for Greener India?
Due to rapid urbanization, India as a developing country is facing some serious waste management issues. India produces about 3.2 million tonnes of e-waste per year. Plus, India’s e-waste generation has doubled in the last five years. The earth’s natural resources are finite, so we need to recycle more for our future generations. With committed communities and responsible government, we can achieve a cleaner environment and a competitive economy.
India is one of the most polluted countries in the world. Moreover, the recycling rate in India is low. So, it’s important that the government should run campaigns to encourage citizens to recycle more. As we live in a consumer-driven world, the waste produced has devastating impacts on the environment and threatens sustainable development. Is there a solution for this? Reduce-Reuse-Recycle – the 3R’s all help us to reduce waste.
There are plenty of important reasons for us to recycle, such as:
- It significantly reduces waste production.
- Increased job opportunities.
- Helps conserve natural resources.
- Waste doesn’t end up in landfills and incinerators.
- Reduces the dependence on raw materials.
Why does India Need an E-Waste Recycling Revolution?
India needs an e-waste solution and Recycling Revolution to help reduce the strain on finite resources. Instead of using raw materials every time, why not recycle. Many materials can be recycled, but electronics should be our top priority, as it contributes to 20% of the total solid waste.
E-Waste pollution, the pressing environmental issue, asks for a recycling revolution in India. E-waste pollution is visible in developing countries like India, where the existing waste management systems can’t cope with the growing population of the country.
We lack a number of e-waste recyclers in India. But the Indian government is closely working with recyclers for e-waste management. Reportedly, 7 lakh tonnes of e-waste were generated in 2019-20, while it was 7.8 lakh tonnes in 2018-19. So, to cut down on our carbon footprint, we can choose recyclable products and move away from the throwing culture.
Why not use the same electronic device or buy eco-friendly electronics? E-waste pollution is a complex issue and requires the cooperation of both government and corporates. Till now, we have taken many initiatives but looking at how things are right now, we need to take serious actions to control e-waste pollution.
Wrapping Up
Start with making small changes in your regular life. Consider limiting the number of electronics you own, and repairing a broken device instead of buying a new one, there’s a lot we can do for the planet. We are one of those companies that are investing in sustainable measures and promoting e-waste management in different parts of the country. So, let’s move towards building a sustainable, greener environment by joining our hands together?